Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

The classic New Years Resolution post. My goals list for 2012 is long, and doesn't just cover writing. I've decided to add some other stuff too, because while I love writing, and want to make it my career, it's not the only thing that's important to me. So here's my list:

WRITING: These are my writing goals for 2012. I'm determined to hit them, because usually I don't.
Finish Bad Animals – May 31st
·       Submit Bad Animals to agents and publishers
Finish Almost Human – August 31st
·       Submit Almost Human to agents and publisher
Finish short stories on Saturdays
·       Topless

·       Straight Laced

·       Untitled Ménage
Start plotting Sci-Fi story on Sundays
DANCE: I also have some goals in belly dance this year, because there are some things I didn't do this year that I'd like to get done.
Choreograph at least 3 solos

Practice Improv

Create a Yoga routine

Practice when I don’t have school
MISC: These are just good things to do, that I feel I don't do enough of. I know everyone feels like what they give or do won't help, because they're just one person, but if every person pitched in, we could accomplish a lot. So I encourage you to give back this year. Whether it be time or money. Everyone can spare a little.
Donate at least $5 every other month to ISF or Cause An Uproar, or Unicef.
Volunteer at least once at the animal shelter or make blessing bags for homeless.
And that's the end of my big goals list. Of course there are smaller things like trying to promote more, and what not, but they don't go on the big list, those things go on the lists I make daily.
If you're wondering what blessing bags are, this is where I got the idea:

Visit my website.

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