Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Blog

Hey. It's Naomi. :) I just thought I'd post that I've actually started my own blog now. Honoria guided me through the scary blogger and now I finally feel brave enough to branch out on my own. I've actually been planning to start my own for some time. I've always wanted my own website, though I'm not going to actually pay for one until I have writing contract. I have deemed myself unworthy of my very own dotcom until then. For now I have my own blogger, which I am very excited about.
I'm sure you are feeling very skeptical about my blogging abilities since I seem to be quite the procrastinator when it comes to posting, but I truly am going to try and keep up with both blogs.
If you get the chance please come by and check me out at
Oh and don't forget to check out Honoria's new and improved!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything...

Oh, I’m such a dork! I almost forgot to add this! I decided to put it at the beginning because its big happy news: I got two new contracts this week. It’s been on twitter, but who knows if anyone who reads this blog (does anyone read this blog?) follows me on twitter. Breathless Press will be re-releasing Fear of Darkness, and releasing another book called The Devil’s Trap. I can wait (but am also dreading) edits. You know how it is. Fun, but lots of work, especially with the lengths of these particular books. And the fact that Fear of Darkness was the second story I ever finished, so its bound to have problems galore!

Okay so today I’m going to be pretty random. I’m going to talk about my day, and the stuff I bought so its like a haul video, without the video part because I have no camera. I’ll also do a writing update. There’s not much to tell, but I’ll tell everyone anyway.

I got my haircut today so I have bangs and more layers now. The woman who cut my hair was really nice. I love Regis, they always do a great job. A pretty good rule is to never get your hair cut at a place with “cuts” in the title. I’ve never been happy with a SuperCuts hair cut. It just never works out.

I also toured the Macy’s and Dillards makeup sections just to see what they have. It was fun. I always enjoy looking at the makeup. And then I saw something that terrified me…There were these kids at the mall for a field trip. They looked like middle school age I guess. They were wearing these big furry hats. They covered their whole heads. Almost like…I don’t know, anime hair I guess? There were like three of them…Seriously, is that in style now, because BOY does it look really really stupid. I had to keep myself from staring open mouthed in horror.

Anyway. Away from that topic. Far away. As far as I can get. .

So I bought quite a few beauty products today, and really shouldn’t have because now I have $30 left to my name. I’m supposed to get paid soon though . Hopefully its before Urban Decay goes on sale at Hautelook.

Okay, at the salon I got It’s a 10 Miracle Leave In Product. It’s a leave in conditioner that’s supposed to:

Repair damaged hair
Add shine
Control Frizz
Protect hair color (which I don’t need because I don’t color my hair, but whatever)
Prevent split ends
Stop breakage
Create Silkiness
Enhance natural body
And has a heat protector

If its not the best thing I’ve ever tried I won’t get it again, because my tiny four ounce bottle was $17.79. But my hairdresser said it was their best seller. I can test it and see what I think.

Next I got Maybelline Falsies mascara. I accidentally got the washable one…I don’t know what my problem is! I need to look closer when I buy things. Hopefully it doesn’t do anything weird and melty. Why do they even make mascara that’s not waterproof? Blair Fowler says Falsies is the best, so I figured I’d try it out. Maybelline makes good products anyway. I have their Lash Stiletto right now.

I also go the Physicians Formula Happy Booster Blush, and the Cashmere Ultra Smoothing Bronzer in Light because I’m pale as hell. The brushes they come with are totally crap (especially that blush brush! I’ve never seen such a useless brush) but I have my own brush so its no big. Any of these cosmetics you can find at or probably most drugstores so I won’t include linkage.

And I didn’t get this today, but it’s become my most favorite product EVER. It’s the BH Cosmetics 120 Eyeshadow Palette in 1st edition. Every color under the sun. Any makeup look you want to do, you can pretty much do with this. It’s my baby, and I’ve been raving about it for a while now on Twitter.

Now on to what I should be talking about on this blog: Writing.

Lately in my writing I’m really trying to focus on internal conflicts and making them more concrete. I’m also trying to focus on the characters and their emotions. Now I have to be honest, lately I’ve gotten REALLY lazy with doing character charts and all the other groundwork I should do before starting to write a novel. And so I was wondering why I just wasn’t feeling these characters in the ménage I’m working on. Well, duh, I’ve done no character charts.

Since I’m focusing on internal conflicts and emotions I decided to dig even deeper with that, so I took a list of character questions from Leigh Michaels’ On Writing Romance and I’ve been doing that and I think its really helping, because I’ve been brainstorming some pretty good ideas that make the characters more alive in my head.

Another thing that helped today was this Lindsay’s Ramblings post on quirks. You might want to check it out of you want more insight into creating in depth characters.

So before I let you go, I want to ask, does anyone care if I tell you about the beauty products I’m buying? Should I do that somewhere else and reserve this blog strictly for writing related stuff? I feel like I have so little to talk about that I’d really just like to throw everything at one blog and see which writers I can drive insane with my cosmetics talks.

Also, does anyone out there have any questions they'd like to ask about writing or the acquisitions process? I am a published writer and an Acquisitions Manager so if you have questions, I'd like to try and help. It also might give me something to blog about so Naomi and I aren't just posting every six months.