Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bloggers Block

It has been far too long since I've posted a blog. I feel like I have really been letting Honoria down by not blogging more. She didn't ask me to be her blog partner, so I could do nothing but occupy the space on the left side the page.

So here I am, with bloggers block. I didn't think it was possible to have bloggers block, but apparently it is because I definitely have it. It's like the section in my brain that blogs has been completely consumed by the college monster. (Yes, I've been listening to far too many Lady GaGa songs, lol)

I thought college was beneficial. No wait, I take that back.
College is beneficial.
I do feel smarter, but not from some of the classes I have taken so far. I have found a majority of them to be useless or at least when you have a teacher that teaches you nothing, the class becomes a useless waste of a lot of money that I didn't have to begin with. AND at times it cramps my writing. I know it cramps Honoria's. Its sad because we sit around together and instead of writing, we complain about college. It's unproductive, but I enjoy it, lol. I've actually had a terrific week for writing in spite of the college monster. I've put a pretty good dent in my current manuscript with hopes of finishing in the next month and a half or so, but we will see if that's actually how it goes.

I took the time the other day to pick out some pictures of what my characters look like so as to be able to picture them better. I was actually pleased with what I found.

Krispin & Echo. Aren't they gorgeous? :) && yes that is Brandon Beemer from the Bold and the Beautiful. Love him!

I honestly can't wait to finish my novel. I feel like I have been working on it forever and it's still unnamed. I have 46,000 words, surely it will come to me soon. My goal after finishing is to find an agent and the be published by print publisher. My hopes are high. I honestly can't wait to prove to everyone that what I'm writing isn't a total waste of time. I look forward to their shocked faces. Is that pathetic? Even if it is, it's how I feel. I have truly found that writing is my passion and I won't settle for anything less. I am bound and determined to get what I want. I believe in me and that's what counts! Ha Ha, it doesn't hurt that I have an amazing writer friend who inspires me beyond belief, (thank you Honoria) a terrific fiance' and a wonderful son!

That's all I've got fellow bloggers! Hope I haven't totally put you to sleep. Happy Almost Wednesday!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Breathless Press Submission Call

Breathless Press continues to expand its exciting new lineup and is pleased to announce the launch of yet another new series. In August 2010 they will add their female/female stories called Aphrodite…where female passion and sexuality tantalize the senses. To kick off the release of these new books, the company will publish Strapless by Honoria Ravena. Writers wishing to submit should follow Breathless Press guidelines and put the word ‘aphrodite’ in the subject line.

And this fall, two other two new lines will also be added to its already exciting mix of top notch romance and erotic romances.

Launching in November 2010, author Kaye Spencer (A.L.Debran) will kick off the new series of Branded books which are sure to put the sizzle in the Wild, Wild West. The publisher is currently seeking Western themed erotic and romance stories. Submissions should follow Breathless Press guidelines, but writers should put Branded in the subject line of their submission.

And in January 2011, Breathless Press will be launching a new line called Cyber and is currently looking for futuristic (or Science Fiction themed) erotic stories of between 2.5k and 15k. Stories of up to 20k will be considered on a submission to submission basis. Submissions should follow Breathless Press guidelines but writers should put CYBER in the subject line of their submission.

And Breathless Press is also currently looking for the following stories-

For October-Witches and Demons (stories must contain a demon or witch element).

For December-Naughty or Nice (stories must contain the themed element of being naughty or nice).

All stories must be erotic or be in the category of a 2+ heat rating (please see the Breathless Press site for details), must be under 35k but above 1k, (no flirt lengths). Both categories are open to unpublished and published writers. There will be ten winners in each category. Stories must be original and not have been published elsewhere. Stories will be treated like any other one published by Breathless Press. They will be available from the time they are live to the time the contract expires upon which it may be renewed. Each story will get their own, unique cover with a graphic that sets them apart from regular Breathless Press stories. The author will receive the standard Breathless Press royalty of 35% of net sales. In addition each winner will receive the following-

A $10 gift card for the book or books of their choice on the All Romance Ebook Web site www.allromanceebooks.com .

A $10 gift card redeemable at Breathlesspress.com

Deadline for the Witches and Demon stories is June 30th, 2010 at 12.00 a.m. Eastern Time

Deadline for the Naughty or Nice stories is September 30th, 2010 at 12.00 a.m. Eastern Time

For all lines and contests, both new and established authors are invited to submit their work.

Stories for all the new lines and contests should be e-mailed to acquisitions@ breathlesspress.com

Please visit the Breathless Press Website www.breathlesspress.com for submission format requirements and/or to view a sample contract.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Quest for Perfection

Okay, SOOO maybe not perfection, but I would like to lose my 'winter weight'. Apparently I was determined to pack on the pounds this winter (well it didn't really start with winter, but whatever). Now, if there's anything I'm good at, its eating bad for me foods. I have a sweet tooth that is constantly craving sugary goodness, and I tend to give in. By the way, don't you just hate her? >>>

I also really hate to diet. Life is too short to only eat salads. Also I have this incredible aversion to vegetables. I HATE salads, I hate broccoli, I don't really like spinach unless its cooked in this special Korean way with the garlic and soy sauce. I don't like corn, but that's okay, because corn isn't really a vegetable, or food for that matter. I like peas, but I'm told those are also a starch, and won't do me much good. But I like fruit (again, that sweet tooth calls me). I can make really awesome green smoothies, which are a banana, frozen fruit, cranberry juice and raw spinach (for those of you that are cringing, you can't taste the spinach).

Now, when I get to working out, I work out every day of the week, but when I fall off the wagon I crash hard. Like I won't exercise for MONTHS. I've been working out with Naomi this past week though, and trying to convince myself to get my butt off the couch on other days. However, I haven't exactly chosen a profession that is full of go go go. Reading submissions and writing novels isn't exactly high impact. How many calories does typing burn anyway? I can do 70 words a minute, surely that has to be worth something!

So how about everyone else? Are you looking to lose weight? Have you got any yummy vegetable recipes I could try? Or workout secrets to keep me motivated?